Billy Goat Strut, North American Whiskey
Long before Bourbon Whiskey became a popular spirit, whiskey made from rye and other grains was being distilled in the New World, which consisted of New England and the British Territories of what is now called Canada. These “Northern” whiskeys eventually found their way to “Kentucky” and Louisville and the docks of Shippingport. Cargo was off loaded from river boats to be transported by wagon around the Falls of Ohio. The stevedores and roustabouts who serviced this trade were gamblers. They set up a racing venue for their entertainment in the alleys behind the warehouses on Main and Market Streets. The alley just south of Main Street or Whiskey Row, became popular for its goat races attended by common folk and local gentry alike. Wealthy Louisville gentlemen regularly attended these races and “strutted their stuff,” thus “Billy Goat Strut Alley” became a Louisville Legend. Our Bill Goat Strut North American whiskey is a tribute to that era combining the spicy rye whiskeys of Kentucky and aromatic Canadian whiskies from our Northern friends.
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Vendor Information
- Store Name: Kentucky Artisan Disillery
- Vendor: Kentucky Artisan Disillery
- Address: 6230 Old Lagrange Rd
Crestwood, KY 40014 - No ratings found yet!